About Us

We love this old house our family was raised in
We love meeting new people and greet our guests personally
We love stories from our grandkids around a warm firepit
We love quaint stays with special experiences and connections
We love the country we are blessed to live on with farm and native animals
We love designing and creating things for Kiambram
We are Adam and Michelle, your hosts at Kiambram Country Cottages
Over thirty years ago we named this land “Kiambram” (meaning dense forest in aboriginal language). A place to bring up our family, giving them a self-reliant country lifestyle and be able to continue our involvement with horses and cattle. Hailing from North Queensland savannah and rain forests we appreciated the remnant vine scrub flora and soon began returning our steeper lands to nature.
Our circa 1910 home we now call Gumnut Cottage was relocated from Hume Street, Toowoomba to make way for Chalk Drive opposite Queens Park. Transport was rough, especially the dozer tow up the hill but worth the view and sheltered winter aspect! We decided to share this spot with guests after years of visitors routinely getting out of their cars and commenting on the views and
We greet our guests on arrival and then leave them to relax, connect and rejuvenate. Living on site, we may be spotted going about our chores wearing any of many hats and are available to guests for a chat should they wish. We feel privileged to have knowledgeable guests share nature tips with us.
You can read more on our “Timeline” about our Eco and Recognition of Culture journey/connections below.
Looking forward to hearing your journey too!
Be kind to our earth and each other,
Adam and Michelle

Bought property and named from a book in USQ library.
A place to bring up our family and give them a self-reliant country lifestyle like we’d had and be able to continue our involvement in rodeo.
Early 1990
Worked with Greening Australia and Gowrie State School on propagating local seeds to plant older windbreaks.
Early 2000
Had eradicated mature boxthorn and lantana from whole property. Monitoring of stock levels and bush regeneration.
Approx 2006
Dedicated area between house and shed to bush regeneration removing stock entirely from this area to allow endemic selfseeding and plants to mature.
Commenced B&B Cabins project. Land for Wildlife accreditation who recommended Toowoomba bird observers come and do a survey.
Land for Wildlife contact brought a group of botanists writing a field guide for plants of the Condamine Catchment to collect samples and photographs. It is planned to be a companion to Mangroves to Mountains which covers the coast to the top of the range.
Opened Kiambram Country Cottages ‘Eco Farmstay B&B” – had over 500 individual people through in the first year despite covid. Getting on the tourism program Queensland Weekender at the end of the first lockdown helped. Over 90% of guests came from Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast.
Bioscaping 4 Biodiversity Consultation before adding extra plants to bush tucker walk area by Flora 4 Fauna – “site is comprised of undulating hills, chocolate-coloured soils and remnant patches of Dry Rainforest native plant species. Michelle and Adam wish to plant a native bushfood / bush medicine walk and naturally beautify the garden areas around the existing cottages, which are available for the public to stay in as short-term
accommodation. The bushfood / bush medicine walk and beautification of the cottage areas will help provide another layer of 'things to do’ on site, educate the visitors about the native plants that were traditionally found in the area and help attract more local native flora and fauna to the property.”
Started working with EcoBiz (free State Government Program) with Sustainability objectives: Reduce cost of bills; Better understand energy/water usage; Explore solar/battery/ renewable energy technology; Improve customer perception; Business development; Accreditation/recognition; Continuous improvement; Improved/innovative
use of resources.
Invited by Earthcheck to be part of the Qld Climate Action Program “Southern Queensland Country Tourism has identified Kiambram Cottages as a strong candidate for the pilot program of the Queensland Climate Action Program. This also benchmarks and accredits our property and business. “The Queensland Regional Tourism Network has
been awarded funding from the Queensland Government for a state-wide project to develop a pathway towards net zero emissions for the tourism industry before 2050.”
Recognised by Tourism and Events Queensland as having met all criteria for the “Best of Queensland Experiences” program (the main one being Consistent Delivery of an Exceptional Experience Based on Positive Customer Reviews) and want to move onto ECO & Respecting Our Culture Certification programs for our business and a
legacy to leave our family who now have a growing understanding of who they are and where they’re from and their connection to indigenous country. We hope to incorporate some cultural learning including food, crafts and respectful practices into a communal area /camp kitchen at Kiambram and welcome knowledgeable contributions to our plans.
Supply Nation acceptance as a Registered Business